Final transnational partners meeting – 14-15 February 2024 – Sofia, Bulgaria

The final transnational partners’ meeting was held on 14th and 15th February 2024 at 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia. The meeting was attended by all partners. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results from the pilot implementation phase, which are very positive. The partners were able to increase 3 times the number of the involved students in the pre-employment programme piloting comparing with the promised number in the project application form.

Through the pilot, more than 123 marginalised students from 46 nationalities had the opportunity for practical learning that increased their understanding of the job search and application process. Through active participation in the pilot application, students were able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, contributing to the development of their critical thinking skills. This contributed to their academic and professional pursuits, resulting in increased motivation, confidence and readiness for future challenges.

In addition, 28 teachers facilitated the process together with representatives of the project partners. The partners discussed the results from the feedback gathering process and the preparation of the piloting report. Furthermore, the partners shared the established exploitation negotiations with schools in Bulgaria and Turkiye, which will multiply the effect of the project and will use the project results.

The partners discussed also the internal evaluation process, dissemination and preparation of the final report. At the end of the meeting, the project coordinator Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva recap the meeting and provided partners with certificates for participation.

Final project multiplier dissemination event – 15 February 2024, National students house – Sofia

On 15.02.2024 the final event for the dissemination of the project results was held in the National Student House – Sofia. 40 representatives of the project’s target groups took part in it, including teachers, psychologists, pedagogical advisors, career consultants, representatives of vocational training centers.

The event was opened by Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva – director of 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia, who is also the coordinator of the project. She welcomed all the guests and gave an introduction about the achievements of the project. Mr. Yordan Krasev – a representative of the Union of Bulgarian Teachers, also took part in the opening, who expressed gratitude for the successful implementation of the project and emphasized the role of the union in the dissemination of the results created within the framework of the project activities.

We have presented the overall methodology of the program for the preparation of students from marginalized groups and in disadvantaged situations, demonstrating in detail the stages in the implementation of the program. He presented all the supporting tools to the program such as worksheets, info cards, tests and questionnaires.

After him, Mr. Petar Kalpakchiev, Mrs. Violeta Guzeleva and Mrs. Klara Ilieva shared results of the impact of the project after the pilot phase. 78 students from 10, 11 and 12 grades were trained on how to identify their strengths, how to develop their motivation, presentation skills, verbal and non-verbal communication, and how to create their Europass CV and cover letter . Facilitators of the program are 8 teachers, as well as representatives of the “Bulgarian inclusion support team”, who provided regular methodological support, monitoring and evaluation of the process.

The following presentation presented the impact of the project in Turkiye and was presented by Mrs. Advie Kala – Deputy Principal of “Uluslararası Şehit Mehmet Karaarslan Kiz Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi” Middle School for Girls – Istanbul, Turkiye together with Mrs. Huliya Karaca – Vice-president of World Innovative Sustainable Solutions – Istanbul, Turkiye (both organizations are project partners). In Turkiye, 45 students from 45 nationalities between the ages of 16 and 18 took part. They were supported by 20 teachers from the school, as well as by 3 representatives of the non-governmental organization WINSS.

In the following presentation by Mrs. Penka Nikolova – “Training and Development” specialist at 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov”, the achievements of the school were presented within the framework of key activities 1 and 2 of the “Erasmus+” program. A particular focus was emphasized on the impact of these initiatives, both on teachers and on students of different age groups.

During the last part of the event, Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva initiated a discussion on the possibilities of using and distributing the project results among other schools, including 93 SU “Alexander Teodorov-Balan”, 7. SU “Sveti Sedmochiselnitsi”, 15 SU “Adam Mickiewicz”, 102. “Panayot Volov” Primary School, “Stefan Noikov” Foundation, 106. “Grigoriy Tsamblak” High School, 148. “Prof. Dr. L. Miletich” High School, Nayden Gerov Secondary School, ChSU “Prof. Nikolay Rainov”.

All participants in the event received a certificate of participation.

Заключително събитие за разпространение на резултатите по проекта – 15.02.2024 гр. София, Национален студентски дом

На 15.02.2024г. в Национален студентски дом – София се проведе заключителното събитие за разпространение на резултатите по проекта. В него взеха участие 40 представители на целевите групи по проекта сред които учители, психолози, педагогически съветници, кариерни консултанти, представители на центрове за професионално обучение и синдикалисти.

Събитието бе открито от г-жа Латинка Ковачева – директор на 94 СУ “Димитър Страшимиров” гр. София, която е и координатор на проекта. Тя приветства всички гости и направи въведение за достиженията на проекта. В рамките на откриването взе участие и г-н Йордан Красев – представител на Съюза на българските учители, които изрази благодарности за успешната реализация на проекта и подчерта ролята на съюза в разпространението на резултатите, създадени в рамките на проектните дейности.

Ние представихме цялостната методология на програмата за подготовка на ученици от маргинализирани групи и в неравностойно положение като в детайл демонстрира етапите в реализацията на програмата. Той представи всички подкрепящи инструменти към програмата като работни листове, инфо-карти, тестове и анкетни форми.

След него, г-н Петър Калпакчиев, г-жа Виолета Гюзелева и г-жа Клара Илиева споделиха резултати от въздействието на проекта след пилотната фаза. В нея са били обучени 78 ученика от 10, 11 и 12 клас по отношение на това как да идентифицират силните си страни, как да развият своята мотивация, презентационни умения, вербална и невербална комуникация, както и как да създават своята Europass автобиография и мотивационно писмо. Фасилитатори на програмата са 8 учители, както и представители на “Български екип за приобщаваща подкрепа”,  които са оказвали регулярна методическа подкрепа, мониторинг и оценка на процеса.

Следващата презентация представи въздействието на проекта в Турция и бе представена от г-жа Адвие Кала – Заместник-директор на Средно девическо училище “Uluslararası Şehit Mehmet Karaarslan Kiz Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi” – Истанбул, Турция заедно с г-жа Хулия Караджа – Вице-президент на World Innovative Sustainable Solutions – Истабул, Турция (и двете организации са партньори по проекта). В Турция са взели участие 45 ученика от 45 националности на възраст между 16 и 18 години. Подкрепа им е била оказа от 20 учителя от училището, както и от 3-ма представители на неправителствената организация WINSS.

В рамките на следващата презентация на г-жа Пенка Николова – специалист “Обучение и развитие” в 94 СУ “Димитър Страшимиров” бяха представени постиженията на училището в рамките на ключови дейности 1 и 2 на програма “Еразъм+”. Особен фокус бе подчертан върху въздействието на тези инициативи, както към учителите, така и към учениците от различни възрастови групи.

В рамките на последната част на събитието, г-жа Латинка Ковачева инициира дискусия върху възможностите за употреба и разпространение на проектните резултати и сред други училища, сред които 93 СУ “Александър Теодоров-Балан”, 7. СУ “Свети Седмочисленици”, 15 СУ “Адам Мицкевич “, 102. Основно училище “Панайот Волов”, Фондация “Стефан Нойков”, 106. ОУ “Григорий Цамблак”, 148.ОУ “Проф.д-р Л. Милетич”, СУ ,, Найден Геров”, ЧСУ ,,Проф. Николай Райнов”.

Всички участници в събитието получиха сертификат за участие.

Регистрация за заключително събитие 15.02.2024 – София / Registration for the final multiplier event 15.02.2024 – Sofia

Екипът на проект “Програма за подготовка за пазара на труда при завършване на училище на нискоквалифицирани лица и такива от маргинализирани групи” (VISAGE4JOBS) по дейност „Малки партньорства” КД210, сектор: Училищно образование на програма „Еразъм+“ на Европейската Комисия има удоволствието да Ви покани да вземете участие във финалното събитие за разпространение на резултатите на проекта.

Събитието ще се състои на 15 Февруари 2024 г. (четвъртък) в зала „Галерия“ – НАЦИОНАЛЕН СТУДЕНТСКИ ДОМ – София , адрес: пл. „Народно събрание“ 10, ет. 1.

В рамките на събитието ще Ви бъдат представени Програма и Наръчник за кариерно ориентиране при завършване на училище на нискоквалифицирани лица и такива от маргинализирани групи и резултати от неговото прилагане в България и Турция.

Събитието се организира от 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров“ гр. София (координатор на проекта) в партньорство с „Български екип за приобщаваща подкрепа“ гр. София, WINSS- Световни иновативни устойчиви решения, Истанбул, Турция и Международно девическо училище „Мехмет Караарслан Имам Хатип“, Истанбул, Турция.

В края на събитието е планирана дискусия и обсъждане на възможности за по-широко използване на проектните резултати.

Събитието няма такса участие и всички участници ще получат присъствен сертификат.

Линк за регистрация:

Дневен ред може да изтеглите тук


The VISAGE4JOBS team is pleased to invite you to take part in the final project multiplier/dissemination event. The event will take place on February 15, 2024 (Thursday) in the “Gallery” hall – NATIONAL STUDENT HOUSING – Sofia, address: 10 “Narodno zabranie” square, 1st floor.

Working language of the event is Bulgarian with simultanious interpreter of the foreign guests.

Within the framework of the event, we will be present the Pre-employment programme and Handbook for career guidance upon graduation of low-qualified students and those from marginalized groups and the results of its implementation in Bulgaria and Turkiye.

The event is organized by 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia (project coordinator) in partnership with “Bulgarian Team for Inclusive Support” Sofia, WINSS- World Innovative Sustainable Solutions, Istanbul, Turkey and Mehmet Karaarslan Imam International School for Girls Hatip”, Istanbul, Turkey.

At the end of the event, a discussion about opportunities for wider use of the project results is planned.

The event has no participation fee and all participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

Registration link:

Agenda of the event you may find here

Dissemination of the project during final event of Erasmus+ project “Together again” – 18 January 2024, Sofia

The project team from the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia under the lead of its principal Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva participated during final dissemination event of “Together again” Erasmus+ project. The event was organised by 93 SU “Alexandar Todorov – Balan” Sofia.

During the event Mrs. Kovacheva presented also the final results of the VISAGE4JOBS project. The produced handbook and illustrative cards were shared with the teachers from the 93 School. The two schools will sign an exploitation agreement.

Piloting phase in Turkiye – organised by Uluslararası Şehit Mehmet Karaarslan Kiz Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkiye and World Innovative Sustainable Solutions, Istanbul, Turkiye

Series of individual and group sessions as part of the pilot implementation phase in Turkiye were organised. These sessions are facilitated by team of Uluslararası Şehit Mehmet Karaarslan Kiz Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkiye and World Innovative Sustainable Solutions, Istanbul, Turkiye.

The students ask relevant questions with regards to their labour market integration. Having in mind that the school consists of girls coming from 75 different origins from all over the world, the issue with their intergation at the labour market is very important.


Very successful piloting phase in the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” in Sofia, Bulgaria

The core part of the project realisation is the piloting phase, where disadvantaged students with Roma origin and those with special educational needs are following the pre-employment programme for job preparation, how to maintain positive physical and verbal image, how to improve their verbal and non-verbal communication, how to answer difficult questions during job interviews, how to prepare in digital format their CV and cover letter.

The process is facilitated by 15 teachers and a pedagogical counsellor from the staff of the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” under the management of Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva – school princial and project coordinator.

The illustrative info cards are posted in all classrooms of students from 9th to 12th grade and they are reminding to the students the main steps on career guidance, career success as well as how to behave with public institutions and authorities, how to select the best credit option etc.

At the begining of February 2024, we will evalute the effectiveness and the impact of the process and national report will be produced.

Dissemination of the project during the Forum “Education of tomorrow” – Sofia, 12 December 2023

On 12 December 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria organised the a forum “Education for Tomorrow” with a focus on digital education. The event was opened by the Minister of Education in Bulgaria – prof. PhD Galin Tsokov. The set of the conference was to present good practices for effective use of digital technologies, tools and content to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with inspiring examples of this, as digital technologies are successfully applied in the educational sphere. Mrs. Penka Nikolova – Project manager from the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” presented the project team.

Presentation of the project results during the national seminar “From Generation Z to Generation Europass – a successful path from vocational training to the labor market”

The national seminar was organised by the National agency of Erasmus+ in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian National VET team. It was focused on students and their teachers from vocational high schools in the region within the framework of the “European Year of Skills – 2023”.

In the program of the seminar, achievements of students from vocational high schools were demonstrated from: PGEE – Bansko, who demonstrated the development of artificial intelligence ; PGTLP “Gotse Delchev” – city of Blagoevgrad, who presented achievements in “Catering” and “Organization of tourism and free time” specialties and ZPG “Kliment Timiryazev”, town of Sandanski, who presented activities from the specialty “Specialist of thermal-spa activities”.

The consortium was represented by Mrs. Penka Nikolova from 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” – coordinator of the project and Mr. Andrean Lazarov (Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team) demonstrated tips and good practices in creating the professional resume (through the Europass tools) and motivation letter for a successful career. They conducted practical sessions based on VISAGE4JOBS training toolkit ( . In the framework of the workshop, Mrs. Nikolova consulted teachers about common mistakes and advice in career development and preparation for the labor market, as well as provided guidelines for overcoming them with a view to easier access to the labor market in Bulgaria.

Piloting phase in the Private School “The Talents” Plovdiv – organised by Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team

Piloting sessions were held in the Private business school “The Talents” with career counsellors and business representatives in order to describe to students with special needs and disabilities about labour market inclusion tips. The sessions were organised by the Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team.

The students were able to ask questions and to test their pre-employment skills. They have received tips for CV preparation and cover letter for particular job positions in the field of Economics, Management, Accountancy and Tourism.

Dissemination of the project during XVII International congress of the organisations working in the field of education – 08-10 November 2023, Oviedo, Spain

The VISAGE4JOBS project led by 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” and partnered by the Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team presented the key outcomes during the XVII International congress of the organisations working in the field of education, which was held in the period 08-10 November 2023 in Oviedo, Spain. It was organised by the University of Oviedo and included more than 200 participants from Europe and Latin America (academicians, business representatives, teachers, lecturers, NGO representatives, policy makers). During the first congress day, the team of Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team presented the key outcomes of the project, especially appreciated by the giant name in the didactics of Spain – prof. Antonio Medina Rivilla from UNED | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia and the key organiser prof. Emilio Álvarez Arregui – President of UNESCO Spain . Possibilities for exploitation of the key project results (the Pre-employment toolkit and programme) in Spain and in Latin America were discussed.

More information at: 

Our participation during National career guidance training event – 25 October 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria

Thanks to the invitation by the Bulgarian National Agency – Human Resources Development Centre, the team of Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team was invited to present “The role of the career guidance towards disadvantaged and marginalised people in Bulgaria”. We have presented methods and resources for contemporary career guidance of young people representing disadvantaged communities.

The project initiative, coordinated by the 94 SU “Dimiter Strashimirov” Sofia, where our team is an equal partner together with organisations from Spain and Turkey: VISAGE4JOBS , where we have developed a pre-employment toolkit for career counsellors was presented.

Role play games on interview preparation and career guidance during National seminar on the topic: “A panorama of skills among students in vocational high schools on their way to a successful career” – 19 October 2023, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

On October 19, 2023 In Veliko Tarnovo, a national seminar was held on the topic: “Panorama of skills among students in vocational high schools on their way to a successful career”. The event was organized by the Human Resources Development Center and the National VET Expert Team. Principals, teachers and students from grades 9 to 12 from the following high schools took part in the event: VET school on tourism “Pencho Semov”, Gabrovo, VET school on construction and geodesy “Angel Popov, town of Veliko Tarnovo, PGTSD “Sava Mladenov” City of Teteven and VET school in Electronics and Chemical Technologies “Asen Zlatarov” City of Pleven demonstrated skills and achievements in their educational preparation.

Part of the event was dedicated to playing educational role-playing games for more successful preparation for the labor market by the moderator of the event, Mr. Andrean Lazarov from Bulgarian inclusion support team and National VET team. The resource is part of the VISAGE4JOBS project – “Pre-employment programme and toolkit to foster job preparation skills of low skilled and marginalized students to enhance their employment opportunities upon completion of the school”, who is coordinated by 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia (which was represented by Mrs. Penka Nikolova, who is also a National VET team expert) with the participation of Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team, Uluslararası Şehit Mehmet Karaarslan Kiz Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkiye and World Innovative Sustainable Solutions, Istanbul, Turkiye.

In the interview rehearsal game, students from 9th and 11th grade have participated. The moderator Mr. Lazarov provided them with tips on successful labour market inclusion.

VISAGE4JOBS project at the national conference “How the Erasmus+ program helped to improve the skills of teachers to create innovations in the VET system in Bulgaria” – 04 September 2023, Burgas, Bulgaria

On 04.09.2023, in the city of Burgas, a national conference was held on the topic “How the Erasmus+ program helped to improve the skills of teachers to create innovations in the VET system in Bulgaria”, organized by the Human Resource Development Centre – the Bulgarian Erasmus+ National Agency. During the event, concepts for professional knowledge management, ways to apply micro-training in professional training, as well as the impact of youth activities was demonstrated by different VET institutions and NGOs. Opportunities to upgrade teachers’ skills in inclusive education was presented by Ms. Kalina Valova from the National Association of Resource Teachers in Bulgaria. As part of the official agenda of the event, the team of BIST presented opportunities for career guidance of Roma students and prevention of dropout via peer mentoring as a way to support learners with fewer opportunities. The main project results were demonstrated to the participants and several schools from Burgas area expressed their wish to join the pilot trainings. During the event, participants also exchanged ideas and shared experience on key issues in the sector.

Intensive preparation for the pilot phase of career counselling in 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov”

The coordinator of the VISAGE4JOBS project – 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” – Sofia is ready to start the pilot phase of the project. For that purpose dedicated common training event was organised by the Principal of the school – Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva. She presented the latest version of the pre-employment school career guidance programme toolkit and the supportive Illustrative info cards, which will be used for the intensive career guidance and training of Roma students from 10th, 11th and 12th grade at the school starting from 1st October 2023.

As a result of the project we aim to prepare them on how to maintain positive physical and verbal image, how to improve their verbal and non-verbal communication, how to be answer difficult questions during job interviews, how to prepare in digital format their CV & cover letter as well as which channels to use in terms of searching for a job.

Follow up our website and Facebook for more information in the forthcoming months.

Our key participation at the panel sessions of the International Knowledge Week on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access, 8-11.05.2023, at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Erasmus University Rotterdam has been working on the fundamental topics of inclusion, diversity, equity and access for more than seven years. Their dedicated and institutionalized IDEA Center now consists of more than 20 specialists that develop and execute our institutional and integral approach on inclusion, diversity, equity and access. The IDEA Center has taken on a pioneering role, nationally and in Europe helping initiate IDEA-structures at universities, disseminating our knowledge and expertise.

During the week, various national and international speakers – including Prof. Lina Gálvez Muñoz (European Parliament), Alfred Herrera (University of California, Los Angeles), Prof. Eveline Crone (Erasmus University Rotterdam – EUR), Fanny Passeport (Education Development Officer at Erasmus X, EUR) & Dr. Dirk Deichmann (Associate Professor, EUR) and representative of our project together with academicians, researchers, PhD students and disability organisation representing participants shared practical insights and knowledge on topics such as (academic) outreach, student engagement, inclusive education & Universal Design for Learning, inclusive HR, inclusive communication and monitoring & research.

During the panel workshop “Integrating Universal Design for Learning into your course” we have presented the recent development in the field of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is an approach that allows instructors to proactively design their course content and pedagogical strategies to anticipate a wide range of needs. Rather than seeing students as ‘average’, they are considered as ‘variable’. By acknowledging and welcoming diversity, instructors adopt a pluralistic approach that honors learning differences. When applying UDL, the instructor provides multiple ways of engagement, representation, and action & expression. Concrete examples from EUR applications (and reflections) in a ‘Design Thinking’ course at RSM (in fall 2022) and contributions from the Bulgarian inclusion support team recent and past development were presented. The concept and expected results of the recent VISAGE4JOBS project were disseminated to the audience.

More information and detailed programme is available here:

Two-days training on the topic: “Career guidance and presentation of knowledge and skills for success in high school – a step forward to a successful career” – 4-5 April 2023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

On 04-05/04/2023, our team was invited as key trainers during the training workshop named: “Career guidance and presentation of knowledge and skills for success in high school – a step forward to a successful career”. The event is part of the European year of skills events, organised by the Human resource development centre, Europass Bulgaria, Euroguidance Bulgaria and the National Expert Team on VET in Bulgaria.

The training was opened by Mrs. Antoineta Pakova, head of the Regional educational directorate – city of Plovdiv. Our team presented modern methods and advised students from prestigious VET schools in Plovdiv area under the scope and training deliverables developed by the VISAGE4JOBS initiative.

Special attention was also paid to the role of verbal and non-verbal communication during a job interview. We shared examples with the participants proving the importance of every young person being aware of their career path at the very first stages of their professional training.

Keep an eye on our page for upcoming trainings.

Our project was disseminated during the National Career Days 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team was among the participants at the National Career Days 2023 at the first event, which was held on 1st April 2023 at Grand Hotel “Millennium” Sofia. Students and young people including people with disabilities were able to talk with our key experts in the field of career counselling of young people with disabilities and those with Roma origin.

We have demonstrated the concept of our main results from the initiative under Erasmus+ programme called VISAGE4JOBS:  “Pre-employment programme and toolkit to foster job preparation skills of low skilled and marginalized students to enhance their employment opportunities upon completion of the school” . Some of the participants will take part in the forthcoming piloting phase.